
Factoring allows you to convert your invoices to cash instantly

This is accomplished by selling your invoices (factoring) at a pre agreed upon discount off of the face amount. Factoring is an excellent solution for companies that need to accelerate their cash flow to facilitate growth, pay a critical vendor, or meet a payroll. It provides a method to meet any working capital demand that can’t wait for your customers payments to arrive in the mail. After your account is set up, we can often wire funds to you on the same business day you offer an invoice up to factor.

We strive to be a good partner to our clients. While factoring may be the perfect solution in some circumstances, it is more expensive than traditional bank financing. We understand this, and look at our factoring product as a bridge to more efficient financing. Because of this we do not require a minimum usage of our service or a long term commitment that locks you into a product that you may have outgrown. Let us help you build a bridge to a financially strong future.